Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fire Proof

I know I have already talked about the movie Fireproof, but the Lord has been talking to me about my marriage. I have been married for 11 years now and although we have a good marriage, I want a great one. So, the Lord has challenged me to a "Love Dare" for my husband. Today starts the beginning of a 40 day journey of loving my husband with the agape love that only Jesus can give me. I cannot wait to see how this changes me and him and our relationship. I challenge anyone else to do this for their spouse whether you have seen the movie or not. I know I am only on day one and I can see areas in my life that I need to improve on to be a better wife. I will keep you updated as I go through my journey and I hope to hear from anyone else who is doing this for their spouse too.


Sally On Sports said...
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Sally On Sports said...

My first comment sounded like double speak and filled with mistakes all over the place!
What I wanted to ask was,"May I join you on your journey through "The Love Dare?" I bought the book before I even saw the movie and would like to start it as well. Did you start today?
Also, wanted to know how the walking was going?
(By the way, this is from Sally!)

Bill and Christina said...

I am still waiting to see this movie. I would love to see it.