My friend pressured me into this blog. However she has assured me that I will become a blog addict as she writes this post for me! She now will have someone she actually knows in person that she can check up on. Isn't that what friends are for?!
Welcome! You will find you get a lot of support & encouragement from blogging buddies. I look forward to getting to "know" you better. Blessings... Stephanie
I am a princess! I have been married to the love of my life for 17 years. We have been blessed with 3 beautiful children. I am able to stay at home with them and train them in the ways of the Lord. I throw some school in there too ;) I never thought I would be where I am at today, but would not trade one moment of my life. My kids are teaching me to slow down and to enjoy the little things again. I love reading, and am learning to dance like David danced!
You must have the bestest friend in the whole world! She must be the greatest!
Wish I could read a new post!
Welcome! You will find you get a lot of support & encouragement from blogging buddies. I look forward to getting to "know" you better. Blessings...
Thank you Stephanie. I am blessed by your post. I too am looking forward to getting to "know" you better. Tammie
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