Saturday, July 5, 2008

God is in the little things.

Praise God for Today! He is so faithful and shows me things that it sometimes overwhelms me. This morning my devotional was on how to trust in Him and to go to Him first before I make any decisions or plans. This is something that I normally struggle with and I have been praying about for a long time. So this devotional was just what I needed. God is just so amazing! One of the things I have been praying about is how to maintain my devotional on the weekends and holidays when my husband is home. Well, this morning God just showed me how easy it was to adjust my routine a little and how to add my husband to it instead of changing it completely. That is just so neat how God does the little things for me. We went shopping today for things we have needed for our home and it was so much fun. Then my husband helped me organize my pantry. That was such a blessing to me that I can't even express how much he helped me. My husband is so precious to me. He surprises me everyday. I love him with all of my heart and I am so glad that God brought us together. I am so amazed how God would take time to show me how to change little things when I go to Him first instead of trying to plan things with out including God in on them. Thank you Lord for loving me and molding me into who You want me to be.

1 comment:

Bill and Christina said...

Excellent Post!!!! God is truly amazing! I am glad that you have chosen to seek Him first in everything that you do.