Monday, August 11, 2008

"House" cleaning!

This morning it was hard for me to get up. It is perfect sleeping weather for me. I love for it to be a little cold in the air and to be bundled under the covers. God is good though because He wouldn't let me stay in bed too long before reminding me that I had some things to do. So, He was showing me yesterday in church that even though I am getting my house cleaned, I am not cleaning my house. I was confused for a while and so I continued to pray. What He was trying to share with me was that there is a lot of clutter in my home and there is lots that I need to give away to others. That I do have a lot of stuff but most of the stuff doesn't "have" me so it is okay to get rid of it to those who can use it or who needs it. So, this morning the Lord was showing me so many things to give away that I couldn't keep up with it all. He was actually showing me where to start and what to give away. That is so cool to me because I don't think that has actually happened to me before. Well, just when I thought things were good and we were finished, He showed me that my other "house" needed cleaned also. He has been purging me for a long time, years in fact, but lately He has really been moving in my heart and my mind and getting rid of all the junk that has been cluttering my life. The neat part is that I am hearing Him and responding. So, this morning He had some "house cleaning" to do of His own in my life and it was easy this time for me. It seems the more I press into Him, the more He takes away and the easier it becomes. I don't know, maybe I am crazy, but I am so thankful that He won't leave me alone and wants to continue to "clean my house" too. So, I encourage you, ask the Lord if there is anything in your "house" that needs cleaned today and then be willing to clean out of your life!

1 comment:

Bill and Christina said...

Great post Tammie! Lord are there things in my life that need to be cleaned out? So me Lord reveal it to me and give me the strength to do as you have asked! Tammie you are growing so mch and it is a terrific blessing to be able to witness it! Thank you for being my friend!