Friday, August 1, 2008

Garage Sale

Our neighborhood is having a huge garage sale tomorrow and I am so excited. We have lots of stuff to sell! That is not the exciting part though. It is what the money is going for. Our kids have been going through their stuff and finding things to sell for our church. They are raising money for the kids in Belize and my kids can't wait to turn their money in on Sunday. Then we have some of the money we make going to our ministry at our church and for curriculum for our homeschooling adventure. So, my kids are making this garage sale exciting for me. Today, besides cleaning my home, I am getting ready for our giant sale tomorrow and I can't wait to see how God is going to bless us and especially our kids!


Bill and Christina said...

I am excited for you and for the kids. I can't wait to see how God moves.

Anonymous said...

Praying it goes well, and you have lots of fun! We'll be doing one soon to cover a myriad of needs...and to have a little fun as well:)