Tuesday, February 9, 2010


There is nothing really more to say. They are wonderful, and frustrating all in the same breath. Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE my kids!!!!! They can get my blood boiling sometimes. Here is my latest issue. I have 3 kids, 8, 5, and 3 year old (well he will be 3 on Sunday). The older two play together nicely, then in comes the 3 year old and boom, instant screaming and fighting! I am so tired of it and I just don't know what else to do about it anymore. I have tried so many different things that I don't know what else to try anymore. So, I am reaching out for some help or words of wisdom from anyone who reads this! The only thing is got is "this too shall pass"!


Bill and Christina said...

All I know is that you need to have another one! Make it even:)

Sally On Sports said...

Hi Tammie,
We all understand the plight of a mom with young children. It is frustrating, for sure. Just when I think mine are getting along, BAM, it's over. I do not want to be a 'yeller' and I do not want the memories of their childhood being time spent away from each other. I don't really have a solution but rather encouragement. Know that I understand.

I have often used the "hug it out" method recently. They start bickering and I have them hug each other...at first they are so mad at me but then they usually start laughing and we move on. Can't overuse the "hug it out" but it makes us all giggle.

Again, know that I get it. I SO get it. Hang in there. You are such a great Mom.

Tammie said...

Thank you ladies! I would love to have another one:). I know about being a yeller. I don't want to be one either, but it seems that is the only way I can get louder than them. I have thought about getting one of those traffic lights for my house. Not sure if it would work or not, but we will see!

Terry said...

I think it's hard for older kids to play with a 3 year old. And after awhile the 3 year old learns how to get on their nerves on purpose :) no words of wisdom. Maybe have the little one spend time with mom or alone while the others play...like play time for the big kids. Then "require" them to be nice and understanding becausse he is only 3 and they are the "big kids". I'm actually trying to remember what I did for my oldest 3 as I remember it being an issue but don't remember the salution...maybe there isn't a salution. I do remember as my youngest got older, it became less of a problem.

Sorry, I don't think I was of any help at all! hang in there, you're right, it will pass...Terry