Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I was going through a stack of papers the other night trying to decide if I can just throw them away or if I need to shred them. I came across a saying on the top of one of them that has really got me to thinking. It said "I just moved you, now you move Me." I can think of many ways that God has moved me, and how He is moving in my life. I am wondering if I am moving Him and what does that really mean? The Bible says to pray "on earth as it is in Heaven" and I am realizing that I have been too caught up in my world and not trying to get Him here on earth. I want to be moved by Him, but more that that I want to move Him. I want the enemy to know that I am serious when I speak, and to take the authority back that God has given to me. I want to walk in His presence so much that God moves in others lives just because He is right there with me. Lord, thank you for this time of discovery and for showing me things in my life.

1 comment:

Bill and Christina said...

Thank you fo rthis post. It has given me something to really focus on and meditate on.