This is the words to a song I have posted on the right side of my blog. I have never added a song here before so I hope this works :)
Oh Lord I come with heart here open,
For in my hour of darkness I'm in need.
Seeking the joy of love unspoken
Oh Lord be Thou near to me.
And the holy voices “Hallelu!”
Ever will Thy reign be.
As I wander through this life,
Oh Lord, be Thou near to me.
Though In this burden of my making
Yet in the shadows still a light
I see Maker whose love is not forsaking
Oh lord be thou near to me
And the holy voices “Halleluja!”
Ever will Thy reign be.
As I wander through this life,
Oh Lord, be Thou near to me.
I have some things heavy on my heart today and this song really ministered to me. I have not been taking my time with the Lord lately and this is hurting my spiritual walk greatly. Because of this I have been trying to make decisions on my own and cannot do this any longer. I need to get back into worship and fellowship with Him and today this song really ministered to me. Anyway, I am also trying to be more transparent in my life so in doing that I wanted to share this with you my blogger friends. Thanks for taking the time to listen to me share from my heart today.